Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Routine Update + Cleaning Routine Addition

My Routine: Pilot Status Check

So far, so good! I loved having the routine as my guide; I felt like I got so much done today, and still had fun time to enjoy with Annabel. Even though I do love sleeping in, it actually felt so much better to get up early and have time to myself. It was so relaxing! Who knew?? Maybe the best part: I was able to drink an entire mug of coffee. Without interruption. Le sigh.

I didn't do everything in the exact order of my routine, but as Crystal from says, that is OK! And it's the reason why it's a routine and not a schedule.

This morning I was thinking about this whole effort: researching, testing, and implementing a new routine. And the fact that it probably sounds silly to some people, because sometimes I think it's silly. Shouldn't I be able to just know what to do when?! Is this a whole lot of work for nothing??

But then I remind myself of the same thing I wrong about in my post on 27 April; I tend to overwhelm myself with the amount of things I want to get done. If I only have a mental to-do list, my brain kicks into overdrive and my stress levels shoot through the roof!

Also, in my corporate work life I loved having a list of things to do, because nothing feels better than crossing something off that list. And thanks to the test run today, I now know the same holds true for my stay-at-home life! I loved crossing things off my routine as I got them done.

The pilot continues...

Cleaning Routine

Meanwhile, yesterday I decided that I'd start mocking up a cleaning routine as well. Which reminded me of a great blog I found while Pinteresting (is that a real word yet?) months ago. And specifically, of a cleaning routine idea on said blog.

Said blog is iHeart Organizing, which I have yet to explore in detail. But I can attest to the fact that her Cleaning Routine idea is great. It's exactly the kind of cleaning routine style I like, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual cleaning tasks to check off. I decided not to use her exact list, but instead used it as a starting point and then edited it a bit. I'm guessing it'll be edited even more as I put it to use!

Here are my tasks so far. I decided to start with weekly, monthly, and quarterly:

Weekly cleaning tasks Monthly cleaning tasks Quarterly cleaning tasks
  • Clean toilets
  • Wipe bathroom sinks/counters
  • Clean bathroom floors
  • Clean bathtubs + shower
  • Sweep wood floor
  • Vacuum first floor
  • Vacuum second floor
  • Vacuum stairs
  • Dust first floor (basic)
  • Dust second floor (basic)
  • Wash sheets
  • Wash towels
  • Clean refrigerator
  • Clean microwave
  • Full kitchen counter wipe
  • First floor windows
  • Second floor windows
  • Purse / diaper bag reorg
  • Clean kitchen garbage can
  • Wash bath rugs
  • Wash comforter
  • Change air filter
  • Wash pillow cases
  • Wash couch cover
  • Clean oven
  • Vacuum mattresses

End-of-Day Results

Crystal from bravely posts what she gets done per day, so maybe I will too?? I'm feeling pretty brave today anyway, so here 'tis:

Morning routine
  • 6:00 Wake up time – Em
  • Shower, get dressed
  • Coffee
  • Start a load of laundry
  • Make Zach's lunch (N/A)
  • 7:15 Wake up time – Annabel (8:15)
  • 8:00 Breakfast
  • Switch laundry to dryer
  • Fun time!
Afternoon routine
  • 11:00 Lunch – Annabel
  • Fold laundry
  • 11:30 Nap – Annabel (12:15)
  • 12:00 Lunch – Em
  • Clean up kitchen
  • Straighten bathrooms & bedrooms
  • Cleaning task
  • 2:00 Wake up – Annabel
  • Fun time!
Evening routine
  • 5:30 Dinner
  • Clean up kitchen
  • 7:30 Bed time – Annabel
  • 10-minute house pickup
  • Scoop kitty litter
  • Read
  • 10:00 Bed time – Em

For my cleaning task time slot, I was able to cross off FOUR weekly cleaning tasks! Yeah, I'm still in the overexuberant stage.

  • Clean toilets
  • Wipe bathroom sinks/counters
  • Wash sheets 
  • Wash towels

We'll see how the rest of the week goes!!

Now I'm off to do the 10-minute house pickup, kitty litter scoopin', then a good book is calling my name...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

My New Routine: A Pilot

In my corporate life, many of my projects started off with "pilots". You need to pilot something before you decide it's worth implementing, because you don't want thousands of unhappy clients. I only have a couple clients now (four, if you count the dog and cat), and luckily they're pretty forgiving. :) Regardless, I feel the need to pilot, so voila!

Annabel took it easy on me and napped for a looong time this afternoon. Which gave me more than enough time to do some "research" for inspiration and then to mock up a draft.

The Inspiration

A month ago I discovered, self described as "an upbeat and encouraging blog dedicated to helping you find great deals, stretch your hard-earned dollars, and live on less than you make so you can save more and give more. " I completely agree with the description; the mom who runs it, Crystal, does a great job of keeping it interesting, updated, easy to read, and full of useful information.

While searching around her site, I found posts about creating routines and time management, and really liked the simple approach to creating something daunting. Today, I finally read through them all from start to finish, including:

In a nutshell, Crystal provides "assignments" per Part that help you end up with a routine, not a schedule. And she emphasizes something that I really appreciate: the routine "is not a regimented schedule with detailed time blocks for how you’re supposed to spend every minute of every day."

To which I say, phew!!! Because I now know that life with a toddler does not allow a regimented anything. Not at all.

The only thing I decided not to pursue (at least for now) is the concept of having "envelopes of time". Like the financial envelope system, you decide how much time you want to dedicate to something and set aside that total time in a figurative envelope. Then you take time out of that envelope as you use it. It's a way to force you to use your time more wisely.

For example: By choosing to work on my blog for an hour, I now have an hour less to work on Annabel's newborn scrapbook. Guess that gets pushed out yet another day, d'oh.

Anyway, I decided that I better get my pilot completed (and marked successful!) before getting more granular with my time.

The Draft

Using Crystal's guidance, I ended up with this:

Morning routine

6:00 Wake up time – Em
Shower, get dressed
Start a load of laundry
Make Zach's lunch
7:15 Wake up time – Annabel
8:00 Breakfast
Switch laundry to dryer
Fun time!
Afternoon routine
11:00 Lunch – Annabel
Fold laundry
11:30 Nap - Annabel
12:00 Lunch – Em
Clean up kitchen
Straighten bathrooms & bedrooms
Cleaning task
2:00 Wake up – Annabel
Fun time!
Evening routine
5:30 Dinner
Clean up kitchen
7:30 Bed time – Annabel
10-minute house pickup
10:00 Bed time – Em

Time to Pilot!

I feel pretty good about this, and I plan to start it tomorrow. Normally I let myself sleep in on the weekends, but there's no better time to start than now, right?!?

Since the glorious Annabel nap kept going strong, I also decided to work on lists of cleaning tasks (note the "Cleaning task" in the Afternoon routine)... but I'll save that for tomorrow's post. Ohhh, the anticipation!! :D

Friday, April 27, 2012

A New Routine

This weekend, my plan is to work on a "pilot" schedule for myself! I know, you're on pins and needles now; try to keep the excitement in check. :D

In my corporate IT life, my weeks were chock full of regularly-scheduled meetings. I also had my usual routines: departure prep, cube morning coffee, lunch-time brown-bag lunch, afternoon wrap-up tasks. I knew when to expect my cubemates' arrivals, what directions they should be arriving from, and how they would greet me.

And as of last week, I have... no regularly scheduled meetings. No routines. No morning commute (yay!!). A cubemate who's contained to her crib until I release her. My schedule has whatever I want it to have... woah.

I get easily overwhelmed by the amount of things I'd like to get done in a day, from cleaning to crafting to toddler fun to grocery shopping... you get the idea! So I need to create a new schedule for myself.

Et voila: my weekend homework! I'll keep you posted on the results.

I'm going to be using Money Saving Mom's site as my guidance/inspiration, starting with this article. Wish me luck!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tomorrow marks the end of my first week as a stay-at-home mom, and I couldn't be happier!

Last week, Tuesday was my last day of work after about nine years as an IT employee for a global company.

Thus begins my adventure as a SAHM to my 16 month old daughter, Annabel!

I'm hoping this blog will be a way to document the adventures that result from navigating this new SAHM world:

Taking care of a wily toddler 24x7,
Learning how to cook (my husband is the chef, I'm the baker),
Trying to cram in time for my favorite past time (getting crafty!),
Searching out the most useful mom info on the internets,
Trying to stay sane as I tackle 5,028 Pinterest projects,
Understanding the new SAHM social circle,
Aaaaand... much more!