Friday, April 27, 2012

A New Routine

This weekend, my plan is to work on a "pilot" schedule for myself! I know, you're on pins and needles now; try to keep the excitement in check. :D

In my corporate IT life, my weeks were chock full of regularly-scheduled meetings. I also had my usual routines: departure prep, cube morning coffee, lunch-time brown-bag lunch, afternoon wrap-up tasks. I knew when to expect my cubemates' arrivals, what directions they should be arriving from, and how they would greet me.

And as of last week, I have... no regularly scheduled meetings. No routines. No morning commute (yay!!). A cubemate who's contained to her crib until I release her. My schedule has whatever I want it to have... woah.

I get easily overwhelmed by the amount of things I'd like to get done in a day, from cleaning to crafting to toddler fun to grocery shopping... you get the idea! So I need to create a new schedule for myself.

Et voila: my weekend homework! I'll keep you posted on the results.

I'm going to be using Money Saving Mom's site as my guidance/inspiration, starting with this article. Wish me luck!!

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